Friday, December 17, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas......

This past sunday Holden was baptized at our church. I was so proud of him....he didn't even cry. I was a little worried, actually a lot worried that he was going to scream throughout the entire thing.  Our families were there as well as most of our good friends. It was so nice to have so much support on such a special day.  We are so blessed!  Now I am in extreme Christmas mode. All of the shopping and wrapping is done, and now all I have to is start enjoying the festivities, and cook of course!  We have so much planned for the next two weeks I hope I can keep up!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

and then there were three......

 Finally on September 9th 2010 I went into labor.  My contractions started about 8p.m. and we left for the hospital around 2:30 a.m.  We called our parents around 5 and by 6 everyone was at the hospital.  Everything was going great, and I decided to get an epidural at 8 a.m and they broke my water.  I was 6 cm dialated and the doctor came in at 11:00 and said the baby's heartrate was dropping when I had contractions so they were going to monitor him a little closer.  About 10 minutes later the doctor came back and said that I needed a C-Section and at 11:24 a.m on September 10th 2010 we finally met our little boy Holden via emergency c-section. It wasn't exactly how I had pictured it, but it was wonderful hearing him cry and seeing all a0 fingers and toes!  Since that day my life has changed so much, and I have never been happier. Our family is so full of love that it could explode!
Holden will be three months old tomorrow and I can't believe how much he has already grown.  We are looking forward to having our first Christmas together!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

37 can come out now!

Here I am at 37 weeks and I have officially decided that I do not want to be pregnant anymore!  I want this little man out of my belly and into my arms where I can look into his face and feel his little fingers and toes!  I started reading online about all the ways that you can help induce labor since I was 1cm dialated when I went to the doctor last week.  I have been eating pineapple like a champ as well as drinking rasberry leaf tea.  There are some other ways to help along dialation that people keep telling me about, but I am not sure I am that desperate yet!
Here is a picture from my materniry session in July....

Monday, August 16, 2010

I can see the finish line........

Today I am 35 weeks and 5 days pregnant.  I am ready to get this show on the road!  I have been having lots of Braxton Hicks contractions that are starting to drive me a little crazy.  Last week I had to go to Labor and Delivery because my contractions were 10 minutes apart.  When I got to the hospital they were 5-6 minutes apart, but I wasn't dailating any so they sent me home.  I go in 3 days for a strep B test and to get checked again.  Hopefully there will be some progress and we get meet Holden very soon.  I am so excited to finally see his face.

Monday, July 12, 2010

comming to a end...

So tomorrow I will be 31 weeks and I am counting down the days!!  The past week has proven to be a challenge for me.  My feet, ankles and wrists are starting to hurt and I am not getting much sleep.  Getting comfortable is going to take some work from now on.  I know through all of this pain and dicomfort, it will all be worth it in 2 months.  I can't wait to meet my little man!

The house is also comming along nicely.  Today is the last day of construction, which means we will be moving in any day!  I can't wait to start decorating our new house!!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

home stretch......

I am officially in my third trimester, with only 12 weeks left.  That is, if I go all the way to my due date.  I had a doctors appointment yesterday, and all is well with baby Holden and I.  He is still measuring big, but only  2 weeks instead of 4.  That is a huge relief! 

The new house is also on its way to being finished.  Lights, plumbing, and Central air is all complete, and concrete is being poured right now.  I have been shopping like crazy, buying up odds and ends of what we need when we move. Hopefully all my purchases will come together nicely!

Friday, May 28, 2010


I had my doctors appointment yesterday and they told me that I was measuring 4 weeks ahead of schedule.  Needless to say I almost rolled off the table.  I ended up having to do my diabetes test, and have blood taken.  I got the results today and everything came back normal.  I guess I either have a giant baby in there, or maybe too much fluid.  Lets hope its the latter.

The house is also starting to come together.   We officially have cabinets, and the countertops are on their way!  The stone work, as well as the trim are being started today!  Hopefully we can make our July 1st deadline.  I cannot wait to start decorating!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

24 weeks

Today I am 24 weeks preggo and starting to count down the days!  I know I still have a ways to go but it feels great to be over the halfway hump.  Holden has really started to move, and some nights I think he is trying his best to bruise me from the inside out.   I go tomorrow for a check up, and I get to  hear that sweet heartbeat.  In one month I will be having my gestational diabetes tests done, as well as my 4D ultrasound.  I guess things are moving right along as planned!!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

It's a boy!

After waiting patiently we finally got to see baby frick, and find out that he's a boy!  No more "it" or "he/she" talk!  It was so exciting, and Nathan was so thrilled to get a little boy. I think his face beamed all day. The doctor said that everything looked good, and as far as she could tell he was perfectly healthy.  She even counded the fingers and toes for me....all 10 were there!  Today I am 20 weeks, the offical halfway point and  I have started to feel him move more and more. I have even felt a few kicks in the past few days!  I can't wait until Nathan can feel them too.  I am in the process of scouring the internet for nursery ideas, and I hope it turns out as great as I have planned it in my head!
Me at 19 weeks and 5 days

Thursday, April 8, 2010

4 days and counting..

So here I am at 17 weeks, and 1day axniously awaiting Monday.   In four days at 10:15 Nathan and I find out what we are having.  I have no clue of what the sex is, although Nathan and I have both had dreams it is a girl.  I guess we will know soon enough.  In order to pass the time I have decided to take a weekend trip to visit my sister in Raleigh, NC.  I have been doing some investigating on area maternity stores and restaurants.  My two favorite things....eating and shopping!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Middle of March already???

Where has the time gone?  It seems like yesterday I was trying to figure out what dessert to make for christmas, and now tomorrow is St. Patricks Day.  Saturday morning Nathan and I went to breakfast with my Mom and sister, and on the way there it seemed like spring had magically appeared.  The grass was green, there were buds on the trees, and my favorite......buttercups.  It was if spring had happend overnight.  This put me in an extremly good mood, as well as the plummber and electrician finishing up on the new house.  Hopefully this week we will get some progress on brick and stone! 

BABY UPDATE:  There are so many differnt websites, and articles you can read that tell you when you start your 2nd trimester, but they all tell you something different!  Some tell you 13 weeks and others tell you 14 weeks, so to be on the safe side I will be 14 weeks tomorrow and officially in my 2nd trimester - the supposed glory days of pregnancy.  I have found some preggo pics that I love and I hope that when my bump gets a little bigger I can have some taken like this from
Our little flipper is 3.5 inches and 1.5 ounces....growing like a weed :)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

"While we are sleeping, angels have conversations with our souls." ~Author Unknown

"Pay attention to your dreams - God's angels often speak directly to our hearts when we are asleep." ~Quoted in The Angels' Little Instruction Book by Eileen Elias Freeman, 1994

Happy Birthday Crystal

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

When life gives you a it to your baby

So tomorrow I will officially be 11 weeks. I had been really sick, but Nathan talked me into getting some nausea medicine, and I am really glad he did! I feel like a new woman. I am still really tierd, and I don't feel like doing much of anything besides laying on the couch. Hopefully, I will get this second trimester energy spurt I keep reading about. In about a week Nathan and I go back to the doctor to hear baby's heartbeat......March 4th can't come soon enough. Here we are as a lime. Much better than a prune at 10 weeks.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

thoughts on a nursery.....



I was playing around on looking at rugs, and other house decor, when I thought about doing a set on what I wanted my nursery to look like. I know if I have a girl I want a bird, or owl theme, but nothing too "babyish". I love the idea of using a whale theme for a boys nursery too. I guess I won't be able to start making any purchases until April, but it is still fun to pretend!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

New House = Bigger Family

Finally after a year of getting our perfect house plans together, we started construction on our new home in November 2009. Slowly but surely, it is comming along, and we have a little more to show for all the loan meetings we attended, and for all of the papers we signed. We still have a long way to go, but progress is being made! Hopefully our new house will be done by

September 15th 2010 because we will have a
new addition to our family. Currently I am 8 weeks along, and our future child is about the size of a kidney bean or a rasberry. At our last doctors appointment we could see the heartbeat. It is amazing!! The doctor said everything was perfectly as it should be, so keep your fingers crossed and say a little prayer for our berry.