Friday, January 28, 2011

mi favorita things

Here is Holden in an outfit from Baby Chai.....

.....this is a must have for any new mom!

my current situation....

no, I am not talking about Mike from the Jersey Shore.  My current situation is having so much I need to do, and so much I want to do and not having near enough time in the day to do it.  I have realized that sleep is not the one thing I could use more of, but time is.  If  I had more time, I could sleep more...... I never realized how much free time I had on my hands before I had Holden, I just wish I knew then what I know now! Last night I did have a much needed girls night outing with my favorite ladies. We saw "No Strings Attatched" and it was great!
The girls and I had a great time talking about realtionships and laughing at some hilarious scenes in the movie.  Too bad real life isn't like the movies, but  a girl can dream I guess!  .....It was weird being at the theater because the last time I was there was the night I went into labor.  I couldnt help thinking about those first contractions as I sat in the seat watching the movie....oh how time flies!

Another thing I havent had much time for lately is reading.  I love to read, and  I think it is a great way to realax and loose yourself just for a little while in a place other than reality.  While I was pregnat I started reading "Husband & Wife" and I just recently started reading it again.  I hope to finsish it soon, but reading time is usually the same as bath time and these days even bath time is scarce!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Another Christmas has come and gone....

Well here we are in 2011. It seems like so much has changed in one year.  Last year today I found out I was pregnant, and now I have a beautiful 4 month old and a brand new house.  I can't wait to see what happens in the year to come! So many of my friends are now pregnant so Holden will be getting many new playmates, and I will be getting some new mommies to share stories with! I want to wish all of my friends and family a happy new year, and much happiness in the year to come.