no, I am not talking about Mike from the Jersey Shore. My current situation is having so much I need to do, and so much I want to do and not having near enough time in the day to do it. I have realized that sleep is not the one thing I could use more of, but time is. If I had more time, I could sleep more...... I never realized how much free time I had on my hands before I had Holden, I just wish I knew then what I know now! Last night I did have a much needed girls night outing with my favorite ladies. We saw "No Strings Attatched" and it was great!

The girls and I had a great time talking about realtionships and laughing at some hilarious scenes in the movie. Too bad real life isn't like the movies, but a girl can dream I guess! .....It was weird being at the theater because the last time I was there was the night I went into labor. I couldnt help thinking about those first contractions as I sat in the seat watching the movie....oh how time flies!

Another thing I havent had much time for lately is reading. I love to read, and I think it is a great way to realax and loose yourself just for a little while in a place other than reality. While I was pregnat I started reading "Husband & Wife" and I just recently started reading it again. I hope to finsish it soon, but reading time is usually the same as bath time and these days even bath time is scarce!