Friday, June 24, 2011


here are some of my favorite pictures from the past few weeks....
Holden & his new buddy emmy!

playing with mommy before bedtime...

Holden & his Paw Paw on Father's Day...

Daddy's best Buddy...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

i want....

It is said that we spend the first half of our life accumulating possessions, and the second half giving them away. This is probably true for most people, and very true for myself.  I always catch myself looking at stuff and thinking, oh I want that, and that, and that! I ask these questions: Why do we have to have so many things we don't need? Why do we buy things only to turn around and sell them for less than half of the cost we paid for them at a yard sale?  In honor of all of the things I want, and don't need I thought I would share some of my latest finds.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Another weekend come and gone...

I want to give a big congratulations to my good friends Matt and Julie. They tied the knot this past Saturday.  The ceremony was beautiful, and the reception was a blast. I haven't had that much fun in a long time! I wish them all the happiness in the world , and I can't wait to see what the future holds for them. Happy  Honeymooning!

A little update on Holden...
 I don't think it will be long before he starts crawling around the house. He is starting to push up, and army crawl to get his little hands on whatever he can find.  On a sadder note, he is getting sick again, and it breaks my heart. I am ready for some pretty weather so we can get away from being cooped up with all these germs!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

A sister is a gift to the heart, a friend to the spirit, a golden thread to the meaning of life. -Isadora James

My little sister is one of the best things that ever happened to me. To be an older sister I have tried to set a good example for her and always be there when she needs a helping hand or shoulder to cry on.  I tried to do all the things that big sisters are supposed to do to help their little sisters and I realized that she has helped me more.  I have learned so much from her without even realizing it.  She is passionate, loving, beautiful inside and out, adventurous, and humble.  She has become what I only dreamed of being, and she has done this all with the most class and grace. She is the example I wanted to set for her, and she has somehow managed to become this woman that I look up to and am so proud to claim her as mine!

We are so much alike, and yet so different at the same time it is amazing.  We have always had the same goals and values in life but she has taken it to the next level.  It is like she has a light inside of her that keeps getting brighter.  I am so proud of her and I hope that she gets everything she has ever dreamed of in life, because out of all the people I know she deserves it more than anyone.

A sister can be seen as someone who is both ourselves and very much not ourselves - a special kind of double.  ~Toni Morrison

Monday, March 7, 2011

what to wear........

So i have decided to treat myself to a new dress to wear for one of my good friends wedding comming up in a few weeks.  Here are some of the choices so far.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

new teeth.... Holden is officially teething and has a new tooth to show for it. I think another tooth should come through any day now.  He hasn't had too rough of a time with it so far so hopefully it won't get any worse.  Although on top of the teething he got a stomach bug which has already been passed around to the entire family.  I am hoping it stays away from me!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Monday, February 21, 2011

20 things about me.....

here are 20 interesting facts you might, or might not know about me.....
1   i am a middle kid, and i suffer from middle kid syndrome
2   i didn't break the c-section curse that has plauged my family for 30 years
3   my favorite color is brown
4   my favorite color to wear is navy
5   my favorite color to buy is white
6   i can have an in depth conversation about lightweight aggregate
7   i hate to have my nose pinched
8   it bothers me when people bite suckers and hold in their sneeze
9   i choose salty over sweet
10 i am impatient
11 i know an insane amount of songs that no one has ever heard of
12 i have been to germany
13 my favorite food is corn
14 i can sing you are my sunshine and dance to it whenever needed
15 my sisters are my best friends
16 my favorite movie is hope floats
17 i am a history buff....only on the subjects i like
18 i can't burp
19 my favorite book is "love the one you're with"
20 one of my favorite quotes is "  With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts." -Eleanor Roosevelt

Friday, February 18, 2011

come on spring....

I know I am a little early in wishing for spring, but today is the first day of 70 degree weather and I am in love.  Just knowing that warm weather is around the corner puts me in an extremely good mood.  Now don't get me wrong, there are thing I do not like about springtime.  Pollen, allergies, and most of all pastels.  On the flip side there are many things that I love about the change to the season.
Vintage Humming bird feeder.....


finally walking around outside.......

feeding the birds............

Friday, January 28, 2011

mi favorita things

Here is Holden in an outfit from Baby Chai.....

.....this is a must have for any new mom!

my current situation....

no, I am not talking about Mike from the Jersey Shore.  My current situation is having so much I need to do, and so much I want to do and not having near enough time in the day to do it.  I have realized that sleep is not the one thing I could use more of, but time is.  If  I had more time, I could sleep more...... I never realized how much free time I had on my hands before I had Holden, I just wish I knew then what I know now! Last night I did have a much needed girls night outing with my favorite ladies. We saw "No Strings Attatched" and it was great!
The girls and I had a great time talking about realtionships and laughing at some hilarious scenes in the movie.  Too bad real life isn't like the movies, but  a girl can dream I guess!  .....It was weird being at the theater because the last time I was there was the night I went into labor.  I couldnt help thinking about those first contractions as I sat in the seat watching the movie....oh how time flies!

Another thing I havent had much time for lately is reading.  I love to read, and  I think it is a great way to realax and loose yourself just for a little while in a place other than reality.  While I was pregnat I started reading "Husband & Wife" and I just recently started reading it again.  I hope to finsish it soon, but reading time is usually the same as bath time and these days even bath time is scarce!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Another Christmas has come and gone....

Well here we are in 2011. It seems like so much has changed in one year.  Last year today I found out I was pregnant, and now I have a beautiful 4 month old and a brand new house.  I can't wait to see what happens in the year to come! So many of my friends are now pregnant so Holden will be getting many new playmates, and I will be getting some new mommies to share stories with! I want to wish all of my friends and family a happy new year, and much happiness in the year to come.