here are 20 interesting facts you might, or might not know about me.....
1 i am a middle kid, and i suffer from middle kid syndrome
2 i didn't break the c-section curse that has plauged my family for 30 years
3 my favorite color is brown
4 my favorite color to wear is navy
5 my favorite color to buy is white
6 i can have an in depth conversation about lightweight aggregate
7 i hate to have my nose pinched
8 it bothers me when people bite suckers and hold in their sneeze
9 i choose salty over sweet
10 i am impatient
11 i know an insane amount of songs that no one has ever heard of
12 i have been to germany
13 my favorite food is corn
14 i can sing you are my sunshine and dance to it whenever needed
15 my sisters are my best friends
16 my favorite movie is hope floats
17 i am a history buff....only on the subjects i like
18 i can't burp
19 my favorite book is "love the one you're with"
20 one of my favorite quotes is " With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts." -Eleanor Roosevelt